
FIA Inspector ASI Assistant LDC UDC Syllabus Past Papers

FIA Inspector ASI Assistant LDC UDC Syllabus and Past Papers

Are you looking for Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Inspector, Sub-Inspector, Assistant Sub-Inspector, LDC, UDC, FIA Assistant, FIA Stenotypist and FIA Constable Jobs official syllabus?

Then you are right place. Our website always provides an official syllabus of Pakistan leading institutions' Jobs.

Today, we will upload Federal Investigation Agency  (FIA) Jobs 2022 official detailed syllabus that will help students to get good marks in the upcoming FIA MCQs Tests.

FIA Jobs 2022 Syllabus and Paper Pattern

Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) will conduct MCQs tests on the following criteria:

01. FIA Assistant (BPS-15) Syllabus
FIA Assistant (BPS-15) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

02. FIA Sub-Inspector (BPS-14) Syllabus
FIA Sub-Inspector (BPS-14) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

03. FIA Stenotypist (BPS-14) Syllabus
FIA Stenotypist (BPS-14) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

04. FIA UDC (BPS-11) Syllabus
FIA UDC (BPS-11) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

05. FIA LDC (BPS-09) Syllabus
FIA LDC (BPS-09) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

06. FIA Assistant Sub-Inspector (BPS-09) Syllabus
FIA Assistant Sub-Inspector ASI (BPS-09) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

07. FIA Constable (BPS-05) Syllabus
FIA Constable (BPS-05) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

08. FIA Constable (Driver) (BPS-05) Syllabus
FIA Constable (Driver) (BPS-05) Syllabus have been divided into the following subjects:
Islamic Studies: 10 MCQs
English: 20 MCQs
Pakistan Studies: 10 MCQs
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Computer: 20 MCQs
IQ: 20 MCQs

FIA Jobs 2022 Subject-wise detailed Syllabus:

FIA announced a detailed subject-wise syllabus that includes topics of those subjects that were included in the official syllabus of FIA.

FIA Jobs 2022 Subject-wise detailed Syllabus 

FIA Jobs 2022 Subject-wise detailed Syllabus 

FIA Jobs 2022 Subject-wise detailed Syllabus

How to Apply for FIA Jobs 2022?

Candidates who haven't applied yet for Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Jobs 2022 can apply through Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) official website. 

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