
IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

Every student of Sindh Province is aware of IBA Screening Test. 

IBA will conduct a Screening Test for the posts of ( bps5 to bps15 ). Previously, IBA conducted Sindh Education Jobs of PST and JEST. You can download PST JEST Past Papers.

According to the IBA, the Screening Test Syllabus test will consist of three portions.

1. General Knowledge - 40 MCQs

2 Mathematics - 20 MCQs

3. English - 40 MCQs

English Section includes Preposition MCQs and Spelling Mistakes MCQs.


IBA Screening Preposition MCQs Online Test

IBA Screening Computer MCQs with answers

Today we are going to upload the most repeated Computer MCQs which will help you to get good marks in the IBA Screening General Knowledge Computer section.

IBA Screening Computer MCQs with answers

Who is called as Father of Computers? Charles Babbage

The first Digital Computer introduced, was named? Mark-I

How many generations, the computer can be classified? 5

Do First Generation Computers contain? Vacuum Tubes

II Generation Computers are made of? Transistors

Do IV Generation Computers contain? LSI

Vth Generation of Computers are based on? Artificial Intelligence

Computers, combine both measuring and counting, are called? Hybrid

In the world today, most of the computers are? Digital

In any computer installation, how many elements consist? 3

The physical structure of a computer is called? Hardware

What does CPU stand for? Central Processing Unit

In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals? Digital computer

Which of the following is available in the form of a PC now? Microcomputer

PARAM is an example of? Supercomputer

Who developed the analytical engine? Charles Babbage

What does GUI stand for? Graphical User Interface

The time taken by the CPU to retrieve and interpret the instruction to be executed is called? Instruction cycle

Which of the following is responsible for all types of calculations? ALU

Which of the following is permanent memory? ROM

The metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer is the? System Unit

What does CD-ROM stand for? Compact Disk Read Only Memory

ALU Stand for? Arithmetic Logic Unit

VGA Stand for? Video Graphics Array

IBM 1401 is? Second Generation Computer

What does MSI stand for? Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

Does WAN stand for? Wide Area Network

What does MICR stand for? Magnetic Ink Character Reader

Does one byte consist of? eight bits

What does EEPROM stand for? Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

Also Read: 1000+ GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS FOR NTS, FPSC And Other JOBS in Pakistan

Which of the following is a way to access secondary memory? Random-access memory

UNIVAC Stand for? Universal Automatic Computer

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

The brain of any computer system is? CPU

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

To rage capacity of magnetic disk depends on? disk pack in disk surface

The two kinds of main memory are? ROM and RAM

A storage area used to store data to compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is? Buffer

The computer is free from tiresome and boardroom. Do we call it? Diligence

Which type of computer uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC? Mainframe computers

The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from? Control section

The chief component of first-generation computers was? Vacuum Tubes and Valves

To produce high-quality graphics (hardcopy) in colour, you would want to use a/n? Plotter

One millisecond is? 1000th of a seconds

The output quality of a printer is measured by? Dot per inch

Which of the following was a special purpose computer? ABC

Which of the following storage devices can store the maximum amount of data? Hard Disk

Which computer was considered the first electronic computer until 1973 when the court invalidated the patent? ENIAC

A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as? Address bus

High-density double-sided floppy disks could store data? 44 MB

Does a high-quality CAD system use the following for printing drawings and graphs? Digital plotter

The accuracy of the floating-point numbers representable in two 16-bit words of a computer is approximate? 16 digits

Read More: FPSC Patrol Officer MCQs and Solved Past Papers

In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory, expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of the board? Motherboard

A technique used by codes to convert an analogue signal into a digital bitstream is known as? Pulse code modulation

Regarding a VDU, Which statement is more correct? It is a peripheral device

A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for? Input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data

When was the vacuum tube invented? 1906

Computer with 80286 Microprocessor is? AT computers

The digital computer was developed primarily in? USA

Software in the computer? Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine

The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called? Sorting

What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer? To compare numbers

Also Read: Everyday Science Mcqs for Jobs in Pakistan

Abacus was the first? mechanical calculator

If in a computer, 16 bits are used to specify the address in a RAM, the number of addresses will be? 65,536

Instructions and memory addresses are represented by? Binary codes

The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR reader is the? POS terminal

A set of flip flops integrated is called? Register

Which is used for manufacturing chips? Semiconductors

The first computer introduced in Nepal was? IBM 1401

Mnemonic memory trick is used in which of the following language? Assembly language

A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called? Shift register

Which was the most popular first-generation computer? IBM 650

A set of information that defines the status of resources allocated to a process is? Process description

Each set of Napier’s bones consisted of rods? 11

BCD Stand for? Binary Coded Decimal

When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom? Epson, 1981

From which generation operating systems were developed? Third generation

The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was? Radio Shak

How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a 2048 x 4 memory chip? 11

Properly arranged data is called? Information

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

John Napier invented Logarithm in? 1614

An integrated circuit is? Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

What Type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time? Bus arbitration

Whereas a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is? Stationary

Which of the following is used as a primary storage device? Magnetic drum

Multi-user systems provided cost savings for small businesses because they use a single processing unit to link several? Dumb terminals

The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is? Formatting

When was Pascale invented? 1642

What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time? Terminal

Does the term gigabyte refer to? 1024 megabytes

in which year was UK’s premier computing event started? 1980

What is the date when Babbage conceived the Analytical engine? 1837

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What was the expected feature of fifth-generation computers when Japan started FGCS? Parallel Processing

Which of the following memory medium is not used as the main memory system? Magnetic tape

Computer operators? operate the device which inputs and outputs data from the computer

Computers are also called personal computers? Micro Computers

Which of the following is the machine independence program? High-level language

When was the first electro-mechanical computer developed? 1944

Does Analog computer work on the supply of? Continuous electrical pulses

The BIOS is the abbreviation of? Basic Input Output System

Most of the first generation computers were? Special purpose computers

The output quality of a printer is measured by? Dot per sq. inch

On a PC, how much memory is available to application software? 640 KB

Is a Computer is capable to store a single binary bit? Flip flop

What does DMA stand for? Direct Memory Access

Operating system, editors, and debuggers comes under? System Software

What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which requires operator attention? Reverse video

Which is the largest computer? Mainframe Computer

The personal computer industry was started by?IBM

What is meant by a dedicated computer? Which is assigned one and only one task

Registers, which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional, are known as? General-purpose register

Registers that are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as the result of operations), are known as? Flags

An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead of one is? Overlapped processing

Who suggested the Stored Program Concept? John Neumann

The central processing unit (CPU) consists of? Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage

The notable features like keyboards, monitors, GUI were developed in? Third generation

Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a waving machine? Jacquard

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

What is an interpreter? An interpreter is a representation of the system being designed

RJ45 UTP cable has Cables? 4 pair

Which of the following is not a valid size of a Floppy Disk? 5 ½

The earliest calculating devices are? Abacus

Word length of a Personal Computer is? 8 bits

Also Read: English MCQs for Jobs in Pakistan

A directly accessible appointment calendar is a feature of a resident package? Memory

Which unit converts computer data into human-readable form? Output unit

What produces useful information out of data? Processing

Which of the following device was not invented by Babbage? Pascale

A digital computer did not score over an analogue computer in terms of? Accuracy

Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer? Binary

A computer has a very low failure rate because it uses electronic components. It produces very consistent results. This is highlighted by which of the feature of the computer? Reliability

A paper printout of a document is known as? Hardcopy output

Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing? ALU

ABC Stand for? Special purpose computer

The computer code for the interchange of information between terminals is? ASCII

When was the X window system born? 1984

What is the first stage in software development? System Analysis

Which of the following is a valid statement? Data in itself is useless unless it is processed

What does EBCDIC stand for? Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

Personnel who design, program, operates and maintain computer equipment refers to? Peopleware

IBM System/360 is? Mainframe Computer

Which of the following programming language started from the second generation? Cobol

The translator program used in assembly language is called? Assembler

Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations? RAM

EPROM can be used for? Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM

A 32-bit microprocessor has the word length equal to? 4 byte

The term GIGO is related to? Accuracy

Webcam is an? input unit device

Bit stands for? Binary digits

Which device can understand the difference between data &programs? Microprocessor

Which of the following is a read-only memory storage device? CD-ROM

Symbolic logic was discovered by? George Boole

An error in computer data is called? Bug

The instructions for starting the computer are house on? Read-only memory chip

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1 nibble equals to? 4 bits

Perforated paper used as input of output media is known as? paper tapes

Which American computer company is called Big Blue? IBM

It was in 2028 BS the was brought in to calculate census data? IBM 1401

Which unit holds data temporarily? Primary Memory Unit

The computer size was very large in? First Generation

A name or number used to identify storage location devices? An address

Which of the following is not a computer language? Medium level language

Reading data is performed in the magnetic disk by? Read/write lead

The term ‘computer’ is derived from? Latin language

To locate a data item for storage is? Fetch

Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers? Herman Hollerith

Hard disk is coated on both sides with? Magnetic metallic oxide

Which of the following term means to reckon? Put are

Computer professionals working in a computer Centre are? Human ware

The contents of information are stored in? Memory data register

Main storage is also called? Memory

The memory unit is one part of? Central Processing Unit

By programmable machine we mean? computers

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

Which of the following is a secondary memory device? Disk

The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured? PROM

Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second? Dynamic RAM

In mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time? Full-duplex

Memory is made up of? A large number of cells

What is the path from which data flow in a computer system is known as? Bus

Which technology is more reliable? Electronic

Raw facts and figures about any particular topic are? data

A computer can solve more than one kind of problem. This is related to which of the following characteristics? Versatility

From which generation computers the printers were used? Second

How many symbols exist in the Bardot code? 32

An application program that helps the user to change any number and immediately see the result of that change is? Spreadsheet

What is the name of the new colour laptop computer which is powered by a 386 processor at 33 MHz and is built by Epson? AX3/33

In analogue computer? Input is never converted to digital form

When was the Company was named IBM? 1924

Which of the following storage device can store the largest amount of data? Hard Disks

The octal equivalence of 111010 is? 72

What do you call a single point on a computer screen? Pixel

Mostly which of the following device is used to carry user files? Floppy Disk

An output device that uses words or messages recorded on a magnetic medium to produce an audio response is? Voice response unit

Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could Add, Subtract, Multiple divides and find square roots? Leibniz

The first Macintosh computer was from? Fourth generation

Which of the following is internal memory? RAM

Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called? Diskettes

The magnetic storage chip used to provide non-volatile direct access storage of data and that have no moving parts are known as? Magnetic bubble memory

A collection of related instructions organized for a common purpose is referred to as? Program

Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine code is called? Symbolic code

Which language is directly understood by the computer without a translation program? Machine language

Which of the following processors use RISC technology? Power PC

Which of the following machine was not invented by Charles Babbage? Tabulating Machine

How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory? 20

The subject of cybernetics deals with the science of? Control and communication

Binary circuit elements have? Two stable state

The value of each bead in the earth is? 1

Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory? Permanent

Which was the world’s first minicomputer and when was it introduced? PDP-I, 1958

A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is? Surface

The word length of a computer is measured in? Bits

Which unit holds data permanently? Secondary storage unit

Does the computer system comprise of major units? input unit, output unit, central processing unit and storage unit

Magnetic tape can serve as? Secondary storage media

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Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry? Intel

EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters? 256

Number crunchier is the informal name for? Supercomputer

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

What does RATS stand for? Regression Analysis Time Series

Which technology is used in Compact disks? Laser

The metal disks, which are permanently housed in, sealed and contamination free containers are called? Winchester disk

Intel Corporation produces chips for which computers? IBM PCs

The first microprocessor built by the Intel Corporation was called? 8080

The data recording format in most of the modern magnetic tape is? 8-bit EBCDIC

Who designed the first electronics Computer? ENIAC/ C) J. P. Eckert and J. W. Muchly

The time during which a job is processed by the computer is? Execution time

Which unit converts user data into machine-readable form? Input unit

Which unit is known as the nerve centre of the computer? ALU

Access time is? seek time + latency time

Easily relocatable language is? Assembly language

Through which device do the main components of the computer communicate with each other? System Bus

What type of device is a computer keyboard? Input

Which is the limitation of high-level language? Lower efficiency

The original ASCII code used bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking? 7

A computer programmer? Does all the thinking for a computer

The fifth-generation computer is also known as? Knowledge information processing system

A typical personal computer used for business purposes would have RAM? 256

Model 5100 was in 1957? The first PC built by IBM

Which 8-bit chip was used in many of today’s TRS-80 computers? Z-80

Which of the following disk is a fixed disk? Hard Disks

The word Abacus is derived from Abaxis a word from? Latin language

Is an online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is? Mass storage

A kind of serial dot-matrix printer that forms characters with magnetically-charged ink sprayed dots is called? Ink-jet printer

Which of the following is an example of a fifth-generation computer? PIM/m

The number of records contained within a block of data on magnetic tape is defined by the? Blocking factor

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Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC? Instruction register

MIS is designed to provide the information needed for effective decision making by? Managers

Latency time is? Time to spin the needed data under head

Who built the first Mechanical Calculator? Blaise Pascal

Which of the following generation computers had expensive operation costs? First

An IBM system/38 represents the computer class of? Small-scale computer

Another word for a daisy wheel printer? Golf ball printer

Which computers are used as servers for any medium-sized organization? Mini Computers

Slide Rules was invented in? 1620

A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to date? 680 MB

The lower deck of an abacus is known as? earth

Do all modern Computers operate? Data

The offline device is? A device that is not connected to the CPU

What is the latest write-once optical storage media? CD-ROM disk

Which one of the following input devices is user-programmable? VDT

Floppy disks typically in diameter? 3

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

Current SIMMs have either or connectors (pins)? 30 or 72

Dot-matrix is a type of? Printer

Programs are executed based on a priority number in? Multiprogramming

When was the Apple Macintosh II microcomputer introduced in the market? 1983

When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom? Epson, 1981

Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by a different name which was changed in 1924. What was that name? The Tabulator Ltd.

Who built the world’s first electronic calculator using telephone relays, light bulbs and batteries? George Stibitz

In which language is the source program written? High level

A song being played on a computer speaker is? soft output

What is the number of read-write heads in the drive for a 9-track magnetic tape? 9

Charles Babbage was awarded by the Royal Society for his? Difference Engine

A computer whose CPU speed is around 100 million instructions per second and with a word length of around 64 bits is known as? Supercomputer

Which of the following will happen when data is entered into a memory location? It will erase the previous content

Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment? Mouse

Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than? Arithmetic and Logic Unit

Which of the following is used only for data entry and storage, and never for processing? Dumb terminal

Basic is language? a procedural

Which of the following have the fastest access time? Semiconductor Memories

How many types of storage loops exist in magnetic bubble memory? 2

Daisy wheel printer is a type of? Impact printer

A number system that has eight different symbols to represent any quantity is known as? Octal

The two basic types of record access methods are? Sequential and random

One of a class of storage device devices that can access storage locations in any order is? DAD

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

In what respect human beings are superior to computers?  Intelligence

As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is? Fast

The language that the computer can understand and execute is called? Machine language

How was the generation of computer classified? by the device used in memory & processor

What does CAD stand for? Computer-aided design

Which of the following memories has the shortest access times? Cache memory

.A small or intelligent device is so-called because it contains within it a? Sensor

Who invented the Analytical engine? Charles Babbage

IBA Screening most repeated Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

CPU speed of a personal computer is? 100 KIPS

The circular division of disks to store and retrieve data is known as? tracks

The least significant bit of the binary number, which is equivalent to any odd decimal number, is? 0

Do the latest PC keyboards use a circuit that senses the movement by the change in its capacitance? Capacitance keyboard

The Stepped Reckoner was invented by? Gottfried Leibnitz

While inserting a diskette into the diskette drive of a PC, the diskette’s label side should face? Up

Most of the inexpensive personal computers do not have any disk or diskette drive. What is the name of such computes? Diskless computers

What is a light pen? Optical input device

When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits? ANY

To play and hear sound on a computer, one needs? a sound card and speakers

For which of the following computers can’t be used? gathering data

Who invented punched cards? Joseph Jacquard

Which device is required for the Internet connection?Modem#Computer MCQs with answers For jobs in 2019

Who is called as Father of Computers? Charles Babbage

The first Digital Computer introduced, was named? Mark-I

How many generations, the computer can be classified? 5

Do First Generation Computers contain? Vacuum Tubes

II Generation Computers are made of? Transistors

Do IV Generation Computers contain? LSI

Vth Generation of Computers are based on? Artificial Intelligence

Computers, combine both measuring and counting, are called? Hybrid

In the world today, most of the computers are? Digital

In any computer installation, how many elements consist? 3

The physical structure of a computer is called? Hardware

What does CPU stand for? Central Processing Unit

In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals? Digital computer

Which of the following is available in the form of a PC now? Microcomputer

PARAM is an example of? Supercomputer

Who developed the analytical engine? Charles Babbage

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

What does GUI stand for? Graphical User Interface

The time taken by the CPU to retrieve and interpret the instruction to be executed is called? Instruction cycle

Which of the following is responsible for all types of calculations? ALU

Which of the following is permanent memory? ROM

The metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer is the? System Unit

What does CD-ROM stand for? Compact Disk Read Only Memory

ALU Stand for? Arithmetic Logic Unit

VGA Stand for? Video Graphics Array

IBM 1401 is? Second Generation Computer

What does MSI stand for? Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

Does WAN stand for? Wide Area Network

What does MICR stand for? Magnetic Ink Character Reader

Does one byte consist of? eight bits

What does EEPROM stand for? Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

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Which of the following is a way to access secondary memory? Random-access memory

UNIVAC Stand for? Universal Automatic Computer

The brain of any computer system is? CPU

To rage capacity of magnetic disk depends on? disk pack in disk surface

The two kinds of main memory are? ROM and RAM

A storage area used to store data to compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is? Buffer

The computer is free from tiresome and boardroom. Do we call it? Diligence

Which type of computer uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC? Mainframe computers

The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from? Control section

The chief component of first-generation computers was? Vacuum Tubes and Valves

To produce high-quality graphics (hardcopy) in colour, you would want to use a/n? Plotter

One millisecond is? 1000th of a seconds

The output quality of a printer is measured by? Dot per inch

Which of the following was a special purpose computer? ABC

Which of the following storage devices can store the maximum amount of data? Hard Disk

Which computer was considered the first electronic computer until 1973 when the court invalidated the patent? ENIAC

A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as? Address bus

High-density double-sided floppy disks could store data? 44 MB

Does a high-quality CAD system use the following for printing drawings and graphs? Digital plotter

The accuracy of the floating-point numbers representable in two 16-bit words of a computer is approximate? 16 digits

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In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory, expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of the board? Motherboard

A technique used by codes to convert an analogue signal into a digital bitstream is known as? Pulse code modulation

Regarding a VDU, Which statement is more correct? It is a peripheral device

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for? Input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data

When was the vacuum tube invented? 1906

Computer with 80286 Microprocessor is? AT computers

The digital computer was developed primarily in? USA

Software in the computer? Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine

The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called? Sorting

What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer? To compare numbers

Also Read: Everyday Science Mcqs for Jobs in Pakistan

Abacus was the first? mechanical calculator

If in a computer, 16 bits are used to specify the address in a RAM, the number of addresses will be? 65,536

Instructions and memory addresses are represented by? Binary codes

The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR reader is the? POS terminal

A set of flip flops integrated is called? Register

Which is used for manufacturing chips? Semiconductors

The first computer introduced in Nepal was? IBM 1401

Mnemonic memory trick is used in which of the following language? Assembly language

A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called? Shift register

Which was the most popular first-generation computer? IBM 650

A set of information that defines the status of resources allocated to a process is? Process description

Each set of Napier’s bones consisted of rods? 11

BCD Stand for? Binary Coded Decimal

When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom? Epson, 1981

From which generation operating systems were developed? Third generation

The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was? Radio Shak

How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a 2048 x 4 memory chip? 11

Properly arranged data is called? Information

John Napier invented Logarithm in? 1614

An integrated circuit is? Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

What Type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time? Bus arbitration

Whereas a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is? Stationary

Which of the following is used as a primary storage device? Magnetic drum

Multi-user systems provided cost savings for small businesses because they use a single processing unit to link several? Dumb terminals

The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is? Formatting

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

When was Pascale invented? 1642

What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time? Terminal

Does the term gigabyte refer to? 1024 megabytes

in which year was UK’s premier computing event started? 1980

What is the date when Babbage conceived the Analytical engine? 1837

Also Read: Islamiat MCQs For Jobs in Pakistan

What was the expected feature of fifth-generation computers when Japan started FGCS? Parallel Processing

Which of the following memory medium is not used as the main memory system? Magnetic tape

Computer operators? operate the device which inputs and outputs data from the computer

Computers are also called personal computers? Micro Computers

Which of the following is the machine independence program? High-level language

When was the first electro-mechanical computer developed? 1944

Does Analog computer work on the supply of? Continuous electrical pulses

The BIOS is the abbreviation of? Basic Input Output System

Most of the first generation computers were? Special purpose computers

The output quality of a printer is measured by? Dot per sq. inch

On a PC, how much memory is available to application software? 640 KB

Is a Computer is capable to store a single binary bit? Flip flop

What does DMA stand for? Direct Memory Access

Operating system, editors, and debuggers comes under? System Software

What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which requires operator attention? Reverse video

Which is the largest computer? Mainframe Computer

The personal computer industry was started by?IBM

What is meant by a dedicated computer? Which is assigned one and only one task

Registers, which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional, are known as? General-purpose register

Registers that are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as the result of operations), are known as? Flags

An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead of one is? Overlapped processing

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

Who suggested the Stored Program Concept? John Neumann

The central processing unit (CPU) consists of? Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage

The notable features like keyboards, monitors, GUI were developed in? Third generation

Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a waving machine? Jacquard

What is an interpreter? An interpreter is a representation of the system being designed

RJ45 UTP cable has Cables? 4 pair

Which of the following is not a valid size of a Floppy Disk? 5 ½

The earliest calculating devices are? Abacus

Word length of a Personal Computer is? 8 bits

Also Read: English MCQs for Jobs in Pakistan

Is a directly accessible appointment calendar is a feature of a resident package? Memory

Which unit converts computer data into human-readable form? Output unit

What produces useful information out of data? Processing

Which of the following device was not invented by Babbage? Pascale

A digital computer did not score over an analogue computer in terms of? Accuracy

Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer? Binary

A computer has a very low failure rate because it uses electronic components. It produces very consistent results. This is highlighted by which of the feature of the computer? Reliability

A paper printout of a document is known as? Hardcopy output

Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing? ALU

ABC Stand for? Special purpose computer

The computer code for the interchange of information between terminals is? ASCII

When was the X window system born? 1984

What is the first stage in software development? System Analysis

Which of the following is a valid statement? Data in itself is useless unless it is processed

What does EBCDIC stand for? Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

Personnel who design, program, operates and maintain computer equipment refers to? Peopleware

IBM System/360 is? Mainframe Computer

Which of the following programming language started from the second generation? Cobol

The translator program used in assembly language is called? Assembler

Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations? RAM

EPROM can be used for? Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM

A 32-bit microprocessor has the word length equal to? 4 byte

The term GIGO is related to? Accuracy

Webcam is an? input unit device

Bit stands for? Binary digits

Which device can understand the difference between data &programs? Microprocessor

Which of the following is a read-only memory storage device? CD-ROM

Symbolic logic was discovered by? George Boole

An error in computer data is called? Bug

The instructions for starting the computer are house on? Read-only memory chip

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1 nibble equals to? 4 bits

Perforated paper used as input of output media is known as? paper tapes

Which American computer company is called Big Blue? IBM

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

It was in 2028 BS the was brought in to calculate census data? IBM 1401

Which unit holds data temporarily? Primary Memory Unit

The computer size was very large in? First Generation

A name or number used to identify storage location devices? An address

Which of the following is not a computer language? Medium level language

Reading data is performed in the magnetic disk by? Read/write lead

The term ‘computer’ is derived from? Latin language

To locate a data item for storage is? Fetch

Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers? Herman Hollerith

Hard disk is coated on both sides with? Magnetic metallic oxide

Which of the following term means to reckon? Put are

Computer professionals working in a computer Centre are? Human ware

The contents of information are stored in? Memory data register

Main storage is also called? Memory

The memory unit is one part of? Central Processing Unit

By programmable machine we mean? computers

Which of the following is a secondary memory device? Disk

The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured? PROM

Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second? Dynamic RAM

In mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time? Full-duplex

Memory is made up of? A large number of cells

What is the path from which data flow in a computer system is known as? Bus

Which technology is more reliable? Electronic

Raw facts and figures about any particular topic are? data

A computer can solve more than one kind of problem. This is related to which of the following characteristics? Versatility

From which generation computers the printers were used? Second

How many symbols exist in the Bardot code? 32

An application program that helps the user to change any number and immediately see the result of that change is? Spreadsheet

What is the name of the new colour laptop computer which is powered by a 386 processor at 33 MHz and is built by Epson? AX3/33

In analogue computer? Input is never converted to digital form

When was the Company was named IBM? 1924

Which of the following storage device can store the largest amount of data? Hard Disks

The octal equivalence of 111010 is? 72

What do you call a single point on a computer screen? Pixel

Mostly which of the following device is used to carry user files? Floppy Disk

An output device that uses words or messages recorded on a magnetic medium to produce an audio response is? Voice response unit

Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could Add, Subtract, Multiple divides and find square roots? Leibniz

The first Macintosh computer was from? Fourth generation

Which of the following is internal memory? RAM

Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called? Diskettes

The magnetic storage chip used to provide non-volatile direct access storage of data and that have no moving parts are known as? Magnetic bubble memory

A collection of related instructions organized for a common purpose is referred to as? Program

Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine code is called? Symbolic code

Which language is directly understood by the computer without a translation program? Machine language

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

Which of the following processors use RISC technology? Power PC

Which of the following machine was not invented by Charles Babbage? Tabulating Machine

How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory? 20

The subject of cybernetics deals with the science of? Control and communication

Binary circuit elements have? Two stable state

The value of each bead in the earth is? 1

Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory? Permanent

Which was the world’s first minicomputer and when was it introduced? PDP-I, 1958

A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is? Surface

The word length of a computer is measured in? Bits

Which unit holds data permanently? Secondary storage unit

Does the computer system comprise of major units? input unit, output unit, central processing unit and storage unit

Magnetic tape can serve as? Secondary storage media

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Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry? Intel

EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters? 256

Number crunchier is the informal name for? Supercomputer

What does RATS stand for? Regression Analysis Time Series

Which technology is used in Compact disks? Laser

The metal disks, which are permanently housed in, sealed and contamination free containers are called? Winchester disk

Intel Corporation produces chips for which computers? IBM PCs

The first microprocessor built by the Intel Corporation was called? 8080

The data recording format in most of the modern magnetic tape is? 8-bit EBCDIC

Who designed the first electronics Computer? ENIAC/ C) J. P. Eckert and J. W. Muchly

The time during which a job is processed by the computer is? Execution time

Which unit converts user data into machine-readable form? Input unit

Which unit is known as the nerve centre of the computer? ALU

Access time is? seek time + latency time

Easily relocatable language is? Assembly language

Through which device do the main components of the computer communicate with each other? System Bus

What type of device is a computer keyboard? Input

Which is the limitation of high-level language? Lower efficiency

The original ASCII code used bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking? 7

A computer programmer? Does all the thinking for a computer

The fifth-generation computer is also known as? Knowledge information processing system

A typical personal computer used for business purposes would have RAM? 256

Model 5100 was in 1957? The first PC built by IBM

Which 8-bit chip was used in many of today’s TRS-80 computers? Z-80

Which of the following disk is a fixed disk? Hard Disks

The word Abacus is derived from Abaxis a word from? Latin language

Is an online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is? Mass storage

A kind of serial dot-matrix printer that forms characters with magnetically-charged ink sprayed dots is called? Ink-jet printer

Which of the following is an example of a fifth-generation computer? PIM/m

The number of records contained within a block of data on magnetic tape is defined by the? Blocking factor

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Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC? Instruction register

MIS is designed to provide the information needed for effective decision making by? Managers

Latency time is? Time to spin the needed data under head

Who built the first Mechanical Calculator? Blaise Pascal

Which of the following generation computers had expensive operation costs? First

An IBM system/38 represents the computer class of? Small-scale computer

Another word for a daisy wheel printer? Golf ball printer

Which computers are used as servers for any medium-sized organization? Mini Computers

Slide Rules was invented in? 1620

A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to date? 680 MB

The lower deck of an abacus is known as? earth

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

Do all modern Computers operate  Data

The offline device is? A device that is not connected to the CPU

What is the latest write-once optical storage media? CD-ROM disk

Which one of the following input devices is user-programmable? VDT

Floppy disks typically in diameter? 3

Current SIMMs have either or connectors (pins)? 30 or 72

Dot-matrix is a type of? Printer

Programs are executed based on a priority number in? Multiprogramming

When was the Apple Macintosh II microcomputer introduced in the market? 1983

When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom? Epson, 1981

Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by a different name which was changed in 1924. What was that name? The Tabulator Ltd.

Who built the world’s first electronic calculator using telephone relays, light bulbs and batteries? George Stibitz

In which language is the source program written? High level

A song being played on a computer speaker is? soft output

What is the number of read-write heads in the drive for a 9-track magnetic tape? 9

Charles Babbage was awarded by the Royal Society for his? Difference Engine

A computer whose CPU speed is around 100 million instructions per second and with a word length of around 64 bits is known as? Supercomputer

Which of the following will happen when data is entered into a memory location? It will erase the previous content

Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment? Mouse

Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than? Arithmetic and Logic Unit

Which of the following is used only for data entry and storage, and never for processing? Dumb terminal

Basic is language? a procedural

Which of the following have the fastest access time? Semiconductor Memories

How many types of storage loops exist in magnetic bubble memory? 2

Daisy wheel printer is a type of? Impact printer

A number system that has eight different symbols to represent any quantity is known as? Octal

The two basic types of record access methods are? Sequential and random

One of a class of storage device devices that can access storage locations in any order is? DAD

In what respect human beings are superior to computers?  Intelligence

As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is? Fast

The language that the computer can understand and execute is called? Machine language

How was the generation of computer classified? by the device used in memory & processor

What does CAD stand for? Computer-aided design

Which of the following memories has the shortest access times? Cache memory

.A small or intelligent device is so-called because it contains within it a? Sensor

Who invented the Analytical engine? Charles Babbage

CPU speed of a personal computer is? 100 KIPS

The circular division of disks to store and retrieve data is known as? tracks

The least significant bit of the binary number, which is equivalent to any odd decimal number, is? 0

Do the latest PC keyboards use a circuit that senses the movement by the change in its capacitance? Capacitance keyboard

The Stepped Reckoner was invented by? Gottfried Leibnitz

While inserting a diskette into the diskette drive of a PC, the diskette’s label side should face? Up

Most of the inexpensive personal computers do not have any disk or diskette drive. What is the name of such computes? Diskless computers

What is a light pen? Optical input device

When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits? ANY

To play and hear sound on a computer, one needs? a sound card and speakers

For which of the following computers can’t be used? gathering data

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

Who invented punched cards? Joseph Jacquard

Which device is required for the Internet connection? Modem

IBA Screening Computer MCQs IBA Test MCQs Notes

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